Veröffentlicht inQuerbeet

Seifenreste vermeiden: Schale aus Schwamm selbst herstellen.

Soak it up

It’s a common problem in many of our bathrooms: when a bar of soap is almost finished, it crumbles into small sticky pieces that usually end up creating an unsightly mess in the soap dish. How annoying! That’s why we’ve found a clever trick for overcoming this problem — say goodbye to that icky soap scum forever! 

You’ll need: 

  • a sponge
  • utility knife
  • soap of your choice
  • scissors
  • pencil

Here’s how:

Foto: Youtube

First, place the sponge on a piece of paper and trace around it using a pencil. 

Foto: Youtube

Now cut the shape you’ve drawn in half using scissors.

Foto: Youtube

Then place the paper cut-out on top of one half of the sponge so that it forms an oval shape. Now trace around the edge of the paper onto the sponge.  

Foto: Youtube

Next, use the utility knife to cut along the traced outline on the sponge.

Foto: Youtube

Use scissors to give the oval-shaped sponge a more defined finish. Once you’re happy with how it looks, place your soap on top of the sponge and trace around its contours.

Foto: Youtube

Use the utility knife and scissors to cut about an inch into the sponge. While you’re snipping, use your other hand to gather the sponge within the contours toward the center of the dish. Then all you have to do is simply pull the sponge away.

Foto: Youtube

Once you’ve created the recess in the sponge, place the soap inside: 

Foto: Youtube

Watch the following video for a step-by-step guide…

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There you go — all you need to do now is place your soap saver sponge inside your soap dish or on the edge of the tub. As well as being practical and cute, your soap saver sponge will spell an end to unnecessary waste!